In 2017, Brooklyn Rugby is adding its support to Play Rugby USA’s Brooklyn “Borough Based Academy” (BBA).
What is the Brooklyn BBA?
The BBA is a pilot program which aims to set the standard for bringing high level rugby coaching in conjunction with high-level future focused support (academic tutoring, strength and conditioning, nutrition education, post-HS goal-setting) close to home for young Ruggers.
Why Brooklyn Rugby?
Brooklyn Rugby’s mission as a 501(c)(3) is to grow the sport of rugby in Brooklyn. We do this because we believe that rugby teaches key life skills and values such as teamwork, respect and self-discipline. These character building values make a rugby team a great resource for any community, but especially in a borough like Brooklyn.
By basing this exciting new program at locations in Brooklyn, while engaging Brooklyn Rugby as a key collaborator, PRUSA hopes that more young people will be able to continue their development as athletes, community members, and the next wave of the Brooklyn Rugby family!
For this all to happen we need the members of Brooklyn Rugby Club (new, current and former), to help:
How can I get involved?
Specifically, we are looking for volunteers to commit to 2-3 hours, bi-weekly for a “season” of 3-4 months, assisting with:
- Rugby skills
- Athletic skills
- Nutritional education
- Academic mentoring
- Fundraising
You do not need to be a qualified rugby coach, nor do you need to be a certified teacher or trainer. All skills and time are incredibly welcome and everyone is encouraged to volunteer their time in some way.
If you are interested in being part of this huge turning point for Brooklyn Rugby, please fill in the below form: