CIPP Instructions & Info
How to CIPP
Your CIPP is your registration with USA Rugby and our union, Empire Geographical Union (EGU).
CIPPing provides you backup insurance in case of injury, pays for referees and our membership to the union. We do not collect any money from the CIPP. The CIPP cycle is from Sep-Aug of each year.
CIPP Instructions
If you do not already have a profile:
Go to: (Video tutorial)
- Enter in your personal email (not a role-specific email; RX assigns permissions to individual people, it doesn’t require multiple logins for different organizations)
- You may see “You don’t have a Rugby ID,” not to worry as once you enter more details the system will be able to pair you with your imported profile
- Select sign me up, and you will be redirected to enter in your personal details
- MAKE SURE that USAR National is selected and not Rugby Australia
- If you see “We have found some profiles that might be you!” Please select your profile and click continue. If you do not see this (e.g. you are a new player and have never CIPP’d before, continue to create an account)
- You will be redirected to the Rugby Xplorer profile homepage
How to register for the year (Video tutorial):
- Login to your Member Profile (or continue on from the instructions above)
- Select Register in the upper left hand corner
- Click on Find A Club
- Select your user profile
- Search for Brooklyn and select “Brooklyn Women Rugby” in the Empire, Senior Club Council
- Choose the role “Player,” type “Senior Player,” duration, “Season”
- View the personal information of the person you are registering (you can edit this information later, this step ensures this is the correct person)
- Review your Registration Summary
- Agree to the Terms and Conditions
- Enter your Payment information to complete your registration (this year’s cost is $103)
If you have financial concerns please message Tyra, [email protected].
Hyenas: If you have any questions about the CIPP process or the status of your registration, contact the team admin Sydney at [email protected].
Brooklyn Men’s: If you have any questions about CIPPing for the Men’s team, please contact Eddie Robb at [email protected].
If you were already CIPP’d with another team this season you will need to transfer your registration to Brooklyn. If you need assistance with this process, contact Sydney.